miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Yucatecan Words

Abalanzar    r.    (verb) To swoop    
Abanicar    tr (verb) To move or cause a current of air.
Achocar   tr.   (verb) Insert one or many things by force
Adrede    adv. m.   (adv) To do sth with a purpose or intention
Afueras   f. pl.   Around
Ajetrear   intr.   Hustle and Bustle
Aligerar   intr. To hurry up
Anolar   tr.   (verb) To disolve sth in your mouth
Boxito (a) lindo (a)   adj. (n) someone pretty
Box toro   adj.   Black bull
Caguama    s. f. (noun) A liter-bottle beer
Cambalach   s. m.   (noun) A trade
Cenote   s. m. (noun) A natural well formed by the collapse of an overlying limestone crust
Chuchul   adj.    (adjective) Wrinkled
Cocotazo   s. m. (noun)Wheat bread made of egg yolk, with four protrusions which its name comes; because cocotazo is like a blow to the head that can cause chuchulo
Cuatrapear   v. tr.   (verb) remove from its  site one thing that must match or accommodate with another to attend a form ,regular or asymmetric
Desajenarse   r. (verb) To avoid a responsability
Desespinar   tr.   (Verb) Stage of cutting sisal; it involves removing the terminal spike from the leaf of sisal plant and the edges of the same leaf
Dios bootic tech. (dios bo'otik tech) God bless you.
Dzirul. (noun) child, infant
Emposmar   v (verb) Intestinal sluggishness caused by overeating
Escorar   v. tr.   (verb) Organize or fix anything
Escarpa   s.   (noun) sidewalk, pavament
Estibar   v. tr.   (verb) Arrange things without order or intention
¡Fo!.(Expresion)  Tr: (coloquial expression) Expression that you say when something is disgusting or when it smell bad eg. ¡Ugh! ¡A pussom has been in my garden!  
Granizado. (S) (N) Non-alcoholic beverage which consists in tiny pieces of ice with fruit syrup. In the rest of Mexico it is also known as “raspado”. E.g. Every Sunday, we buy beverages because is warm and sunny.
Gustar. (V) To Watch Tv or to go to a show. E.g. I’m very busy than I can´t watch Tv because I’m always working.
Hach: Similar to the pronunciation of hatch in English without the t. It is a kind of determiner which is use for emphasize the sentence. It has a similar connotation as very, or much in English
Hacerse uno bolas: (Idiom) It means to confuse. E.g: I my god, I´m confuse, could you please explain me again
Hacer días en un lugar: (Idiom) it means to stay in a place during a period of time for visit or for live. E.g. I stayed in Merida since February and then I moved to Tizimín
Hacer hich: (Phrasal verb) Pronunciation similar as hitch in English but without the t. It means to knot strongly that is difficult to break.
Hacer loch: (Phrasal verb) it means to hug
Hacer hetsmek: (Phrasal verb) It means to carry a baby astride on someone’s hips. It is common to listen that anybody is the “padrido de hetsmek” because, in some Yucatecan towns it still existing a ceremony with that name
Han:(Adv) (Adv) it means rapidly or violently
Heladez: : (N)  It is used to express that the climate is very cold
Hipil.- (N) It is a costume used by maya women of Yucatán. It has embroideries in the top and in the bottom of the dress. Those embroideries are usually flowers of many colours. Example: She wore a hipil for her birthday
Huaya: (N) It is a round, fleshy fruit. Example: Buy some huayes when you go to the market
Ir al patio: (euphemism)  A translation for this will “go outside” but, in Yucatán, this expression does not mean just “go outside”, it is used as “going to defecate or to pee” when the bathroom is occupied. Example: I really need to pee! Hurry up! – Go outside.
Ir recto: (Phrasal verb) “Go straight” Example: You need to go straight if you want to the park
¿Já?: (enterjection) It is an expression used when the person did not understand what the other just said. It does not have a meaning, it is used just to indicate that the person did not hear.It is similar to “ya me hice bolas” (hacerse uno bola)
Já: An expression used when the person is agreed or satisfied.
¡Jala!: (coloquial expression) It is an expression used when the person wants to move someone from their seat. It is like “Move; that is my seat”
Jaranchac:(Adv) It is an expression used when someone did something wrong and hurriedly
Jícama: (N) It is  a sweet and fresh tuber
Ke-Kén: Pig
Kiritz: Dirty.
Kisín: The Devil. 
Tzimin: Horse.
K’as: Mean.
K’ex: Change
K’oloch: Slap
Kisinech: Demon
Lek: Container for “tortillas”to keep them hot.
Looch: Hug someone
Lol: Flower
La Hach (jach): The last one
Leyli: Same
LocaEch: You’re crazy
Má: No (negative).
¡Macachí!: Shut up!
Malix: Ordinary.
Majado: Squeezed, crushed, crumpled or pressed
Miriñaque: Mosquitero.
Moloch: Gathering of many people in a specific place
Mulix: Curly hair.
Munil: Servitude
Negociante: Any object
Negociar: To fix, manage.
Ni modos: What a Shame!
Nohoch: Big
Och: Fox
Okol: Steal
Okot: Dance
Pah-sut’s: State of food when it gets sour
Pal: Kid.
Pek: Dog
Pelafustán: Hoaxer, stupid
Pelo kixpol: Mohawk hairstyle
Perech: Scarcely, tight
Pib: Traditional dish cooked on “Día de Muertos” which is made of dough and chicken wripped in banana leaves.
Poch: Eager, anxious, excited
Puch: Squeeze, squeezed
Purux: Plump, chubby
Pelar: Haircut
Quitarse: to leave
Sho: Shut up
Shun: Mistress
Sikilpak: From “sikil (seekeel)” pepper and “pak” tomato. Sauce made of pepper, pumpkin seed, epazote plant, habanero chili pepper and tomato
Tolok: Iguana
Tulix: Firefly
Tuch: Bellybutton
Takín: Money
Tata: Father
Tokoy: Abandoned
Uay: (interjection) It is a word used to express pain, a complaint or surprise.Uinik:  
Váguido:  (N) It is a dance that indicates that the party started
Wask’op (N) It is an action that consists on hit the other person with the knuckles.
Wixar: (V) To pee
Xek (N) It is a mix of fruit, usually jicama, tangerine, etc; added with lemon, salt and chili. (Expression) A mess
Xiik’:Tr: (N) Armpit
X'la: (Adj) It is used with a noun. It usually expresses that someone is angry.
Xo. (interjection) It is often use by parents or adults when they paid to the children to be quiet.

Ya lo viste: (Coloquial expression) It express deception or sorrow for a experience or a person. It is similar to “ya te diste cuenta” Here you want the other analyze their previous actions.

Yucalpetén.- (S) Mayan Word that literally mean “Pearl’s throath earth” Location: It is the name of  one of the most known beaches in the coast.
Zads (adj): (Adv) when some food that would be toast is soft because it was exposed to the fresh air.
Zorro: (N) Pussom.
Zuncho. (N) Marshmallow

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